Gerber Life Insurance: Protecting Families Since 1967

Gerber Life Insurance, established in 1967, has carved a niche in the insurance industry by specializing in life insurance products designed for middle-income families. Partnering with the trusted brand of Gerber Products Company, they offer a sense of familiarity and security while focusing on protecting families through various life insurance and supplemental benefit options.

Products Offered by Gerber Life:

  • Whole Life Insurance for Children: This cornerstone product provides guaranteed lifetime coverage for your child from a young age. It builds cash value over time, potentially serving as a valuable financial resource in the future. This cash value can be accessed through loans or withdrawals under certain circumstances, but it’s important to understand how this might affect the policy’s death benefit.
  • Term Life Insurance for Parents: This option provides temporary coverage for a set period (typically 10, 20, or 30 years) at an affordable rate. If you pass away within the term, a death benefit is paid to your designated beneficiary, helping cover expenses and maintain financial stability for your dependents.
  • Family Life Insurance Policies: Gerber Life offers bundled plans that combine coverage for both parents and children under one policy. This can be a convenient and potentially cost-effective way to ensure your loved ones are protected in case of an unexpected event. Be sure to compare these plans to individual policies to determine the best value for your family.
  • Accidental Death Benefit Riders: These optional riders can be added to existing policies to provide additional financial protection in the unfortunate event of an accidental death. This can offer peace of mind knowing your family has extra resources available during a difficult time.

Advantages of Choosing Gerber Life:

  • Family-Centric Approach: With a rich history of serving families, Gerber Life understands the unique needs and considerations of parents seeking to protect their children’s futures.
  • Variety of Products: They offer a range of life insurance and supplemental benefit options to cater to different family situations and budgets. While their product portfolio might be more limited than larger insurance companies, they focus on core products that are essential for families.
  • Brand Recognition and Trust: The association with the well-known Gerber Products Company can provide a sense of trust and familiarity for consumers who already recognize and respect the Gerber brand.
  • Potential for Cash Value Accumulation: Whole life policies allow your child’s coverage to build cash value over time, which can be a valuable asset for their future. This cash value benefit is a key difference between term life insurance and whole life insurance.
Gerber Life Insurance

Considerations Before You Buy:

  • Limited Product Selection: Compared to larger insurance companies, Gerber Life’s product portfolio might be more focused on juvenile and family insurance. If you’re looking for a wider range of products, including individual adult coverage, you may need to explore options from other insurers.
  • Cost Competitiveness: It’s essential to shop around and compare quotes from several insurance companies to ensure you’re getting the best possible rate for the coverage you need. Don’t solely rely on the familiar brand name; compare benefits and costs to make an informed decision.
  • Focus on Juvenile Insurance: Their primary focus is on juvenile and family life insurance. While they might offer some adult life insurance products, the selection may be limited.

Getting Started with Gerber Life:

The first step is to research Gerber Life’s offerings online or contact a licensed agent who can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific family’s needs and budget. Here are some additional tips:

  • Compare rates and plans: Don’t limit yourself to Gerber Life. Get quotes from multiple insurance companies to compare coverage options and costs.
  • Consider a financial advisor: Consulting with a financial advisor can be helpful, especially if you have complex financial goals or need guidance in choosing the right insurance products for your family.
  • Read the fine print: Before finalizing any policy, carefully review all details, including coverage specifics, exclusions, limitations, and terms regarding accessing cash value or making withdrawals.

Gerber Life Insurance can be a valuable option for families seeking life insurance protection, particularly those with young children. By understanding their product offerings, limitations, and the importance of comparing options, you can make an informed decision about safeguarding your loved ones’ financial security.

Does Gerber have good life insurance?

Gerber Life Insurance can be a good option for families, but it depends on your specific needs and priorities. Here’s a breakdown of the pros and cons to help you decide:


  • Family-focused: Gerber Life specializes in products for families, with a variety of whole and term life insurance options for children and parents, and combination family plans.
  • Brand recognition: The Gerber brand name can provide a sense of trust and familiarity for some consumers.
  • Whole life cash value: Their whole life policies for children can build cash value over time, potentially offering a financial benefit in the future.
  • Accidental death benefit riders: These riders provide additional coverage in case of accidental death.


  • Limited product range: Compared to larger insurance companies, Gerber Life offers a more limited selection of products. They focus primarily on juvenile and family insurance.
  • Cost competitiveness: It’s important to compare quotes from several companies to ensure you’re getting the best rate. Gerber might not always be the most affordable option.
  • Focus on juvenile insurance: If you need individual adult coverage, you might have fewer options with Gerber Life.

Here are some additional factors to consider:

  • Your budget: Whole life insurance with cash value typically has higher premiums than term life. Consider how much you can comfortably afford.
  • Coverage needs: How much coverage do you need for your children and yourself? Term life might be sufficient if you only need coverage for a specific period.
  • Investment goals: While cash value can grow in a whole life policy, the interest rates might be lower than what you could potentially earn in other investments.

Overall, Gerber Life can be a good fit for families who:

  • Prioritize guaranteed lifetime coverage for their children with the potential for cash value accumulation.
  • Value the familiar Gerber brand name.
  • Are primarily looking for juvenile and family life insurance products.

However, it’s crucial to compare quotes and coverage details from multiple insurance companies before making a decision. Consulting with a financial advisor can also be helpful to ensure you choose the right type and amount of life insurance for your family’s needs.

Gerber Life Insurance

How to claim Gerber Life insurance?

If you need to file a claim with Gerber Life Insurance, here’s a guide to help you through the process:

1. Gather Necessary Documents:

  • The deceased’s insured ID or policy number
  • The death certificate (original or certified copy)
  • Claim form (you can request this from Gerber Life)
  • Proof of beneficiary status (such as a marriage certificate or birth certificate for a child)
  • Medical records (if applicable, may be requested by Gerber Life)

2. Contact Gerber Life:

3. Submit the Claim:

  • Once you’ve gathered the documents, you can submit your claim by mail or fax (depending on Gerber Life’s instructions). They might also allow online claim submission on their website, so check for that option as well.

4. Follow Up:

  • After submitting the claim, keep a copy of everything for your records. Gerber Life will process the claim and may contact you for any additional information.
  • The processing timelines can vary depending on the complexity of the claim.

Here are some additional resources that might be helpful:


  • Be prepared to answer questions about the deceased’s medical history and the circumstances surrounding their death.
  • It’s important to be honest and accurate when providing information throughout the claim process.
  • If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Gerber Life for clarification.

By following these steps and having the necessary documents ready, you can streamline the Gerber Life insurance claim process during a difficult time.


Is Gerber Life Insurance only for children?

No, Gerber Life Insurance offers products for both children and parents, including whole life insurance for children and term life insurance for parents.

How can I contact Gerber Life Insurance for inquiries or claims?

You can contact Gerber Life Insurance by calling their dedicated life claim line at 1-800-628-0560 or emailing them at

What are the advantages of choosing Gerber Life Insurance?

The advantages of choosing Gerber Life Insurance include their family-centric approach, variety of products tailored to different family needs, brand recognition, and potential cash value accumulation with whole life policies.

What documents do I need to file a claim with Gerber Life Insurance?

To file a claim with Gerber Life Insurance, you’ll need the deceased’s insured ID or policy number, death certificate, claim form, proof of beneficiary status, and any relevant medical records.

Does Gerber Life Insurance offer accidental death benefit riders?

Yes, Gerber Life Insurance offers accidental death benefit riders as optional additions to existing policies to provide additional financial protection in case of accidental death.

Can I access the cash value of a Gerber Life Insurance policy?

Yes, you can access the cash value of a Gerber Life Insurance policy through loans or withdrawals under certain circumstances, but it’s important to understand how this might affect the policy’s death benefit.

Does Gerber Life Insurance offer term life insurance?

Yes, Gerber Life Insurance offers term life insurance for parents, providing temporary coverage for a set period at an affordable rate.

What are some considerations before purchasing Gerber Life Insurance?

Considerations before purchasing Gerber Life Insurance include their limited product selection compared to larger insurers, cost competitiveness, and their primary focus on juvenile and family insurance.

Can I file a Gerber Life Insurance claim online?

Yes, Gerber Life Insurance may allow online claim submission on their website, but you can also submit claims by mail or fax, depending on their instructions.

Does Gerber Life Insurance offer family life insurance policies?

Yes, Gerber Life Insurance offers bundled family life insurance policies that combine coverage for both parents and children under one policy.

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